
In discord.js, the aim is to allow the end developer to have freedom in what sort of data types they supply. References to any sort of resolvable basically mean what types of data you can provide. The different resolvables are shown before:

Channel Resolvable

A Channel Resolvable allows:

File Resolvable

A File Resolvable allows:

  • URL
  • Local file path
  • Readable stream

Role Resolvable

A Role Resolvable allows:

Voice Channel Resolvable

A Voice Channel Resolvable allows:

Message Resolvable

A Message Resolvable allows:

User Resolvable

A User Resolvable allows:

String Resolvable

A String Resolvable allows:

  • Array
  • String

Server Resolvable

A Server Resolvable allows:

Invite ID Resolvable

An Invite ID Resolvable allows:

  • Invite
  • String containing either a http link to the invite or the invite code on its own.

Base64 Resolvable

A Base64 Resolvable allows:

  • Buffer
  • String