
extends EventEmitter

This page contains documentation on the Discord.Client class. This should be used when you want to start creating things with the API.


Client takes an options object, and supports the following options:.


Have discord.js autoreconnect when connection is lost.


Have Discord send a compressed READY packet.


Make the library get all the users in all guilds, and delay the ready event until all users are received. This will slow down ready times and increase initial network traffic.


How long in milliseconds to wait for more guilds during the initial ready stream. Default is 1000ms. Increase this number if you are getting some serverCreated events right after ready.


Set a custom large_threshold (the max number of offline members Discord sends in the initial GUILD_CREATE). The maximum is 250.


The maximum number of messages to cache per channel. Decreasing this leads to more missing messageUpdated/messageDeleted events, increasing this leads to more RAM usage, especially over time.


Have the lib throw a rejection Promise/callback when being ratelimited, instead of auto-retrying.


Have the lib insert a zero width space between here and everyone mentions disabling them.


The total number of shards.


A zero-based integer representing the value of the current shard.



A Cache of User objects that the client has cached.


A Cache of ServerChannel objects that the client has cached.


A Cache of PMChannel objects that the client has cached. These are all the Private/Direct Chats the client is in.


A Cache of Server objects that the client has cached.


A Cache of Server objects that the client has cached that are unavailable.


A Cache of VoiceConnection objects that the client is in.


Returns a VoiceConnection object, is an alias to voiceConnections[0].


A Number unix timestamp dating to when the Client emitted ready.


A Number in milliseconds representing how long the Client has been ready for.


A User object representing the logged in client’s user.


An object containing url, version and full. Setting this property allows the discord developers to keep track of active bots, it defaults to the discord.js git repo and the current version of the package. url should be the repository/homepage of the creator. version should be the version of your bot. full is read only and will be automatically generated upon setting.



Any functions used here that take callbacks as an optional parameter can also be used as Promises. Promises take the exact same parameters for each use case, except errors are moved to catch statements instead of then. For example, you can do:

bot.login(email, password).then(success).catch(err);

function success(token){
    // handle success

function err(error){
    // handle error

or use callbacks:

bot.login(email, password, function(error, token){
    // handle error and success

login(email, password, callback)

Logs the client in so it can begin initialising. Use this after registering your events to ensure they are called!

  • email - The e-mail used to sign in, String.

  • password - The password used to sign in, String.

  • callback - function that takes the following parameters:
    • error - An error if any occurred
    • token - The token received after logging in, String.

loginWithToken(token, email, password, callback)

Logs the client in, using just a token. The specified email and password are optional - they’re only needed when using updateDetails which requires them for authentication.

  • token - A valid Discord authentication token used to log in, String

  • email - (Optional) The e-mail used for later authentication, String.

  • password - (Optional) The password used for later authentication, String.

  • callback - function that takes the following parameters:
    • error - An error if any occurred
    • token - A String containing the specified token. This is only used for compatibility with login, this token will always be identical to the specified one.


Logs the client out and closes the WebSocket connections.

  • callback - function that takes the following parameter:
    • error - An error if any occurred


Similar to logout but should be used if you’re not going to create the Client again later in your program.

  • callback - function that takes the following parameter:
    • error - An error if any occurred

sendMessage(channel, content, options, callback)

Sends a message to the specified channel.

  • channel - a Channel Resolvable or User Resolvable

  • content - (Optional if file is passed in options) a String Resolvable - the message you want to send

  • options - (Optional) object containing:
    • tts - (Optional) Boolean, should message be text-to-speech

    • disableEveryone - (Optional) Boolean, disable here and everyone mentions

    • file - (Optional) object, containing:
      • file - a File Resolvable
      • name - (Optional) String, filename to upload file as
  • callback - function that takes the following parameters:
    • error - error object if any occurred
    • message - the sent Message

sendTTSMessage(channel, content, callback)

An alias for sendMessage(channel, content, {tts: true}, callback)

sendFile(channel, attachment, name, content, callback)

Sends a file to the specified channel.

  • channel - a Channel Resolvable or User Resolvable

  • attachment - A File Resolvable

  • name - (Optional) String, filename to upload file as

  • content - (Optional) String, text message to send with the attachment

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • message - the sent Message

reply(message, content, options, callback)

Shortcut to sendMessage but prepends a mention to the sender of the original message to the start of your message.

  • message - The Message to reply to

  • content - a String Resolvable - the message you want to send

  • options - object containing:
    • tts - Boolean, should message be text-to-speech
  • callback - function that takes the following parameters:
    • error - error object if any occurred
    • message - the sent Message

replyTTS(message, content, callback)

An alias for reply(message, content, {tts: true}, callback)

awaitResponse(message, prompt, options, callback)

Wait for a response from the same user in the same channel as an existing message.

  • message - The original Message

  • prompt - a String Resolvable - a message you want to send to prompt the user

  • options - object containing:
    • tts - Boolean, should message be text-to-speech
  • callback - function that takes the following parameters:
    • error - error object if any occurred
    • message - the sent Message

updateMessage(message, content, options, callback)

Updates the content of a previously sent message

  • message - The Message to update

  • content - a String Resolvable - the content you want to update the message with

  • options - object containing:
    • tts - Boolean, should message be text-to-speech
  • callback - function that takes the following parameters:
    • error - error object if any occurred
    • message - the sent Message

deleteMessage(message, options, callback)

Attempts to delete a message

  • message - The Message Resolvable to delete

  • options - object containing the following:
    • wait - Milliseconds as a number to wait before deleting the message
  • callback - function that takes the following parameters:
    • error - error object if any occurred

deleteMessages(messages, callback)

Attempts to bulk delete messages from the same channel

  • message - Array of Message Resolvable to delete

  • callback - function that takes the following parameters:
    • error - error object if any occurred

getChannelLogs(channel, limit, options, callback)

Gets a list of previously sent messages in a channel.

  • channel - A Channel Resolvable to get messages from

  • limit - The maximum amount of messages to retrieve - defaults to 50. A Number

  • options - An object containing either of the following:
  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • messages - array of Message objects sent in channel

getMessage(channel, messageID, callback)

Gets a message. This also works for messages that aren’t cached but will only work for OAuth bot accounts.

  • channel - The Channel to get the message from.

  • messageID - The message id to get the message object from. A String

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • message - The Message

pinMessage(message, callback)

Pins a message to a channel.

  • message - The Message to pin.

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

unpinMessage(message, callback)

Unpins a message from a channel.

  • message - The Message to unpin.

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

getPinnedMessages(channel, callback)

Gets a list of all pinned messages in a channel.

  • channel - The Channel to get pins from

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • messages - array of Message objects that are pinned.

getBans(server, callback)

Gets a list of banned users in a server.

  • server - Server Resolvable - The server to get banned users of

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • users - array of banned users in the server

joinServer(invite, callback)

Joins a server from the given invite. This will not work for OAuth bot accounts, you must use OAuth invite URLs instead.

  • invite - an Invite Resolvable

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • server - the joined Server

createServer(name, region, callback)

Creates a server

  • name - String, name of the server

  • region - String, region of the server, currently us-west, us-east, us-south, us-central, singapore, london, sydney, frankfurt or amsterdam

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • server - the created Server

updateServer(server, options, callback)

Updates the information, such as name or region, of a server the client is in

  • server - a Server Resolvable

  • options - object containing (all optional):
    • name - String, name of the server
    • region - String, region of the server, currently us-west, us-east, us-south, us-central, singapore, london, sydney, frankfurt or amsterdam
    • ownerID - a User Resolvable, user to transfer the server to (must be owner)
    • icon - a Base64 Resolvable
    • splash - a Base64 Resolvable (VIP only)
    • verificationLevel - Number, a verification level (0, 1, 2, 3)
    • afkChannelID - a Channel Resolvable, the AFK voice channel
    • afkTimeout - Number, AFK timeout in seconds
  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

deleteServer(server, callback)

Deletes a server that the client is in

  • server - a Server Resolvable

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

leaveServer(server, callback)

Leaves a server that the client is in

  • server - a Server Resolvable

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

createChannel(server, name, type, callback)

Creates a channel in a server

  • server - a Server Resolvable

  • name - String, name of the channel. Spaces not allowed.

  • type - defaults to text, but can also be voice

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • channel - the created ServerChannel

deleteChannel(channel, callback)

Deletes a channel in a server.

  • channel - a Channel Resolvable to delete

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred.

banMember(user, server, length, callback)

Bans a user from a server.

  • user - A User Resolvable to ban

  • server - A Server Resolvable to ban the user from

  • length - Number, how many days to go back and delete messages from that user

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred.

unbanMember(user, server, callback)

Unbans a user from a server.

  • user - A User Resolvable to unban

  • server - A Server Resolvable to unban the user from

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred.

kickMember(user, server, callback)

Removes a user from a server

moveMember(user, channel, callback)

Moves a user from one voice channel into another.

  • user - A User Resolvable that should be moved

  • channel - The Channel Resolvable to move the user to

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred.

createInvite(channel, options, callback)

Creates an invite for the specified channel (or server)

  • channel - A Channel Resolvable

  • options - object containing:
    • maxAge - Number for maximum time in seconds for invite’s validity
    • maxUses - Number, maximum uses of invite
    • temporary - Boolean, whether the invite should be temporary
    • xkcd - Boolean, whether the invite should be human-readable-friendly.
  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • invite - the created Invite

getInvite(invite, callback)

Gets more info on a specific invite

  • invite - An Invite Resolvable

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • invite - an Invite object

getInvites(source, callback)

Gets all the invites in a channel/server

deleteInvite(invite, callback)

Deletes an invite

  • invite - An Invite Resolvable

  • callback - a function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

setStatus(status, game, callback)

Sets the Discord Status of the Client

  • status - String, either online, here, active, available or idle, away

  • game - String, Name of game being played, or Object with the properties name url type, or null to clear

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred


Alias: setStatusAway

Sets the status of the Client to Idle/Away


Aliases: setStatusHere, setStatusActive, setStatusAvailable

Sets the status of the Client to Online

setPlayingGame(game, callback)

Sets the Discord Status of the Client

  • game - String, Name of game being played, or null to clear

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

setStreaming(name, url, type, callback)

Sets the Discord Status of the Client

  • name - String, Name of game being played

  • url - String, URL that it will link to, only supports urls at this time.

  • type - Number, 1 indicates streaming

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

setChannelTopic(channel, topic, callback)

Sets the topic of a channel

  • channel - A Channel Resolvable

  • topic - A String

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

setChannelName(channel, name, callback)

Sets the name of a channel

  • channel - A Channel Resolvable

  • name - A String

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

setChannelNameAndTopic(channel, name, topic, callback)

Sets the name and topic of a channel

  • channel - A Channel Resolvable

  • name - A String

  • topic - A String

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

setChannelUserLimit(channel, limit, callback)

Sets the user limit of a voice channel

  • channel - A Channel Resolvable

  • limit - A Number, user limit (0 - 99)

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

setChannelBitrate(channel, bitrate, callback)

Sets the bitrate of a voice channel

  • channel - A Channel Resolvable

  • bitrate - A Number, bitrate (in kb/s) (8 - 96)

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

updateChannel(channel, data, callback)

Updates the settings of a channel

  • channel - A Channel Resolvable

  • details - object containing any of the following:
    • name - String, the new name of channel
    • topic - String, the new topic of the channel (TextChannel only)
    • position - Number, the new position of the channel
    • userLimit - Number, the new user limit of the channel (VoiceChannel only)
    • bitrate - Number, the new bitrate (in kb/s) of the channel (VoiceChannel only)
  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

startTyping(channel, callback)

Marks the client as typing in a channel.

  • channel - A Channel Resolvable

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

stopTyping(channel, callback)

Marks the client as not typing in a channel (takes a few seconds to go active).

  • channel - A Channel Resolvable

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

updateDetails(details, callback)

Updates the details of the client

  • details - object containing any of the following:
    • avatar - Base64 Resolvable, new avatar of the client
    • email - String, new email of the client
    • newPassword - String, new password of the client
    • username - String, new username of the client
  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

setAvatar(avatar, callback)

Sets the avatar of the client

  • avatar - Base64 Resolvable, new avatar of the client

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

setUsername(name, callback)

Sets the username of the client

  • username - String, new username of the Client

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

joinVoiceChannel(channel, callback)

Joins a Voice Channel to begin transmitting audio. If you have an OAuth bot account, you can connect to multiple voice channels at once, but only one per guild.

leaveVoiceChannel(channel, callback)

Leaves the specified Voice Channel if connected

createRole(server, data, callback)

Creates a new role in a server.

  • server - a Server Resolvable

  • data - object containing the structure below

  • callback - function that takes the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • role - the created Role
// structure of data parameter (all attrs optional):
    color : 0xFF0000,
    hoist : false,
    name : "A New Role!",
    permissions : [
        // see the constants documentation for full permissions
        "attachFiles", "sendMessages"
    mentionable: false

updateRole(role, data, callback)

Updates a role in a server.

  • role - a Role

  • data - an object taking the structure shown below

  • callback - a function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    • role - the updated Role
// structure of data parameter (all attrs optional):
    color : 0xFF0000,
    hoist : false,
    name : "A New Role!",
    permissions : [
        // see the constants documentation for full permissions
        "attachFiles", "sendMessages"
    mentionable: false

deleteRole(role, callback)

Deletes a role from a server

  • role - The Role to delete

  • callback - function that takes the following:
    • error - error if any occurred

addMemberToRole(member, role, callback)

Aliases : addUserToRole

Adds a member of a server to a role in the server

memberHasRole(member, role)

Aliases : userHasRole

Returns if a user has a role

removeMemberFromRole(member, role, callback)

Aliases : removeUserFromRole

Removes a member of a server from a role in the server

overwritePermissions(channel, roleOrUser, options, callback)

Overwrites the permissions of a role or a user in a channel

  • channel - a Channel Resolvable

  • roleOrUser - a Role or a User object

  • options - an object containing a structure as shown below

  • callback - function that takes the following:
    • error - error if any occurred
    "sendMessages" : false,
    "attachFiles" : true

muteMember(user, server, callback)

Server-mutes a member.

unmuteMember(user, server, callback)

Server-unmutes a member.

  • user - A User Resolvable to unmute

  • server - A Server Resolvable to unmute the user in

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred.

deafenMember(user, server, callback)

Server-deafens a member.

  • user - A User Resolvable to deafen

  • server - A Server Resolvable to deafen the user in

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred.

undeafenMember(user, server, callback)

Server-undeafens a member.

  • user - A User Resolvable to undeafen

  • server - A Server Resolvable to undeafen the user in

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred.

setNickname(server, nickname, user, callback)

Set the nickname of a user on a server.

  • server - A Server Resolvable to set the nickname of the user in

  • nickname - string of the nickname

  • user - The User Resolvable to perform the nickname change on. If no user is specified, this will change the bot user’s nickname

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred.

setNote(user, note, callback)

Set the note of a user. This will only work for user accounts.

  • user - A User Resolvable to which the note is applied.

  • note - String, content of the note, or null to clear.

  • callback - function taking the following:
    • error - error if any occurred.


Discord.Client is an EventEmitter, so you can use .on() and .off() to add and remove events.


Emitted when the client is ready to use


Emitted when the client debugs or wants to log something internally


Emitted when the client receives a message, supplies a Message object.


Emitted when the client has encountered a small error that can be avoided.


Emitted when a message has been deleted and the Client finds out, supplies a Message object IF available, and a Channel object.


Emitted when a message has been updated and the client finds out. Supplies two Message objects, the first being the message before the update, the second being the new, updated message.


Emitted when the client is disconnected from the Discord server.


Emitted when the client runs into a big problem, supplies an error object.


Emitted when a message over WebSocket is received, it supplies one object containing the raw data from the WebSocket.


Emitted when a server is joined by the Client, supplies a Server object.


Emitted when the client leaves a server, supplies a Server object.


Emitted when a server is updated (e.g. name change). Supplies two Server objects, the first being the server before the update, the second being the new, updated server.


Emitted when a channel is created, supplies a Channel object (includes PM chats as well as server channels).


Emitted when a channel is deleted, supplies a Channel object.


Emitted when a channel is updated (e.g. name/topic change). Supplies two Channel objects, the first being the channel before the update, the second being the new, updated channel.


Emitted when a role is created in a server, supplies a Role object.


Emitted when a role is deleted from a server, supplies a Role object.


Emitted when a role is updated in a server, supplies two Role objects. The first is the old role, the second is the updated role.


Emitted when a user joins a server, supplies a Server object and a User object.


Emitted when a member is removed from a server. Supplies a Server object and a User object.


Emitted when a member in a server is updated. Supplies a Server object and 2 User objects, the first being the new, updated user, the second being the old one. The old user object could be null if the bot didn’t previously have the member cached.


Emitted when a user goes online/offline/idle, starts/stops playing a game, or changes their username/avatar/similar. Supplies 2 User objects, the first being the old user, the second being the new, updated user.


Emitted when a user starts typing in a channel. Supplies two parameters, a User object and a Channel object.


Emitted when a user stop typing in a channel. Supplies two parameters, a User object and a Channel object.


Emitted when a user is banned from a server. Supplies two parameters, a User object and a Server object.


Emitted when a user is unbanned from a server. Supplies two parameters, a User object and a Server object.


Emitted when a note is updated. Supplies a User object (containing the updated note) and the old note.


Emitted when a user joins a voice channel, supplies a VoiceChannel and a User.


Emitted when a user switches voice channels, supplies the old VoiceChannel, the new VoiceChannel, and a User.


Emitted when a user leaves a voice channel, supplies a VoiceChannel and a User.


Emitted when a user mutes/deafens, supplies a VoiceChannel, User, an object containing the old mute/selfMute/deaf/selfDeaf properties, and an object containing the new mute/selfMute/deaf/selfDeaf properties.


Emitted when a user starts or stops speaking, supplies a VoiceChannel, and User. The speaking property under the supplied User object can be used to determine whether the user started or stopped speaking.